Sunday, May 13, 2012


Vignette: Sexting
1. Does sexting represent a form of expression that is protected by the First Amendment?
    I guess so, it is because we all know that we covered by the law of freedom of expressions.

2. What can be done to protect people from the dangers of sexting while still safeguarding our
First Amendment rights?
    For the children, the parents should have always to guide their children in a correct way. For people will able to be protected from the danger of sexting is to avoid from texting to those people that are in this action. As we see the cause of this problem is the individual who takes photos of her self nude or even text other people with messages that is not appropriate to them.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)
1. Visit the EFF Web site at and develop a list of its current “hot” issues. Research
one EFF issue that interests you, and write a brief paper summarizing EFF’s position.
Discuss whether you support this position and why.

  Bloggers can be journalists (and journalists can be bloggers). We're battling for legal and institutional recognition that if you engage in journalism you're a journalist with all of the attendant rights privileges and protections.
  Bloggers are entitled to free speech. We're working to shield you from frivolous or abusive threats and lawsuits. Internet bullies shouldn't use copyright libel or other claims to chill your legitimate speech.
 Bloggers have the right to political speech. We're working with a number of other public-interest organizations to ensure that the Federal Election Commission (FEC) doesn't gag bloggers' election-related speech. We argue that the FEC should adopt a presumption against the regulation of election-related speech by individuals on the Internet and interpret the existing media exemption to apply to online media outlets that provide news reporting and commentary regarding an election  including blogs.
 Bloggers have the right to stay anonymous. We're continuing our battle to protect and preserve your constitutional right to anonymous speech online including providing a guide to help you with strategies for keeping your identity private when you blog.
 Bloggers have freedom from liability for hosting speech the same way other web hosts do. We're working to strengthen Section 230 liability protections under the Communications Decency Act (CDA) while spreading the word that bloggers are entitled to them.

Iran Continues March Towards “Halal Internet”
This past weekend, Iran’s minister of telecommunications announced that domestic institutions including banks, telecom companies, insurance firms, and universities are now prohibited from dealing with emails that do not come from an “.ir” domain name. This means that customers who use foreign email clients such as Gmail, Yahoo!, and Hotmail will have to switch to domestic Iranian accounts, which are subject to Iranian legal jurisdiction.
The foreign email ban is the latest development in what is widely thought to be a transition towards a “Halal” Iranian Internet. The Iranian Telecommunications Ministry has denied “shutting off the Internet” for its residents, but what differentiates this email limitation from previous ones such as the restriction on secure (HTTPS) traffic is its overt nature.
Ustream Adds Russian-Language Option In Response to Crippling DDoS Attack
Livestreaming website received a massive distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack on the morning of May 9 that reportedly targeted the prominent user “reggamortis1,” a Russian citizen journalist who covers opposition protests and rallies, and is associated with Occupy Moscow. The attack rendered Ustream unavailable for about 10 hours—and the reggamortis1 channel continued to be inaccessible for several hours afterwards.
Brazilian Paper Uses Trademark Law to Silence Parody Website
Falha de São Paulo, a parody website of the major Brazilian newspaper Folha de São Paulo, has been engaged in an ongoing legal struggle with its object of its satire. In September 2010, Folha filed a lawsuit against the Falha website for “moral damages” to its reputation as a news organization. Folha also sought financial compensation for Falha’s mimicry of their layout and copy-editing. This case resulted in a “tie” for both parties: Falha’s domain remained frozen for unauthorized use of Folha’s intellectual property, but the rest of the suit was dropped in accordance with existing Brazilian legal precedent.
Indian Government Demands VoIP Interception Capability In the Next Month
Indian government has ordered Internet service providers to provide a way to intercept and identify the end user on unregistered VoIP calls within the next month. Currently, ISPs do not have to keep track of real-time user data, which, according to the government, exacerbates security risks in a world of proliferating VoIP service providers who use varying connection frequencies.
Ayatollah Ali Khameni Victim of Iran’s Internet Censorship
Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khameni has become the latest victim of Iran's Internet censorship regime. Indeed, the keywords that Khameni chose for the fatwa announcement last week against anti-filtering tools led to his own decree being blocked along with the Iranian websites where it was published.

 Currently, the Iranian Ministry of Telecommunications is choosing ignore these questions while looking for ways to improve its filtering and censorship systems. Khameni’s announcement has serious press freedom implications for journalists in the country who often need access to blocked websites.

2. What reasons might a firm give for joining and supporting EFF?
     Helping for a reason they can have also gain more profit because their firm can be exposed to the world of this foundation. They give and they used the name of this foundation.
     History tells that story again and again around the world. As new aspects of society -- and whole new societies -- are built online, the EFF's mission is to protect that liberty.
The payoff, if it succeeds, is tremendous, a huge increase in economic prosperity and an incalculable dividend of personal freedom. Link:
3. The vice president of public affairs for your midsized telecommunications equipment
company has suggested that the firm donate $10,000 in equipment and services to EFF and
become a corporate sponsor. The CFO has asked if you, the CIO, support this action. What
would you say?
     I give my very best to support to make easier and easy to manage to improved more the telecommunications equipment in the company.

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